Research on Optimization of Flow Field and Concentration Field in a Double Variable Cross-section SCR Denitrification System

WANG Zhaoyang, CHEN Hongwei, CHENG Kai, WANG Guangtao, LIU Xiaodong

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Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering ›› 2019, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5) : 380-386.

Research on Optimization of Flow Field and Concentration Field in a Double Variable Cross-section SCR Denitrification System

  • WANG Zhaoyang, CHEN Hongwei, CHENG Kai, WANG Guangtao, LIU Xiaodong
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To reduce the large deviation factor of the velocity field and concentration field corresponding to the first-layer catalyst in the denitrification system of a 1 000 MW tower boiler, a three-dimensional model was established for the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) denitrification system, and subsequently the effects of deflector layout on the flow field in the double-variable cross-section flue were studied using numerical simulation. By comparing the simulation results of different deflector schemes, the flue structure was modified, with an optimal arrangement of deflectors obtained and a reasonable size of ammonia injection grid (AIG) determined. Results show that the concentration deviation factor of NH3 in the first-layer catalyst could be reduced to 2.32% by regional ammonia spraying, which ensures the uniform distribution of reactants in each channel of the catalyst and improves denitrification efficiency.

Key words

selective catalytic reduction / double variable section / ammonia injection grid / deflector / deviation factor / denitrification efficiency

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WANG Zhaoyang, CHEN Hongwei, CHENG Kai, WANG Guangtao, LIU Xiaodong. Research on Optimization of Flow Field and Concentration Field in a Double Variable Cross-section SCR Denitrification System. Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering. 2019, 39(5): 380-386


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