Online Measurement Method for Ultra-low Soot Emission Based on Imaging Light Scattering

LI Chen, CAI Xiaoshu, ZHOU Wu, WANG Wentao

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Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering ›› 2019, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (3) : 208-213.

Online Measurement Method for Ultra-low Soot Emission Based on Imaging Light Scattering

  • LI Chen1,2, CAI Xiaoshu1,2, ZHOU Wu1,2, WANG Wentao1,2
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To realize the online measurement of ultra-low soot emission, a new method based on imaging light scattering was developed to measure the soot concentration and particle size, which was verified by experimental tests. Results show that under low soot concentration conditions, the intensity of scattered light is in direct proportion to the soot concentration. The method proposed can be used to measure not only the ultra-low soot concentration, but also the average particle size on a real time basis.

Key words

light scattering / imaging / ultra-low emission / soot / concentration measurement / particle sizing

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LI Chen, CAI Xiaoshu, ZHOU Wu, WANG Wentao. Online Measurement Method for Ultra-low Soot Emission Based on Imaging Light Scattering. Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering. 2019, 39(3): 208-213


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