Design of a Combined Vibration Test Rig for Shafting and Spring Vibration-isolated Foundation of Nuclear Power Half-speed Units

LI Wangfan, WANG Xiujin, SUN Qing, JIANG Jun, WEI Qi, ZHAO Feng

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Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (11) : 890-894.

Design of a Combined Vibration Test Rig for Shafting and Spring Vibration-isolated Foundation of Nuclear Power Half-speed Units

  • LI Wangfan, WANG Xiujin, SUN Qing, JIANG Jun, WEI Qi, ZHAO Feng
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A design idea of combined vibration test rig for shafting and spring vibration-isolated foundation was proposed. Taking a 1 000 MW nuclear power half-speed unit as the prototype, a test rig was set up in the proportion of 1:10 based on the principles of geometric and dynamic similarity, to which, initial commissioning was carried out to verify the rationality of the design. Results show that the running speed of the test rig can reach 10 000 r/min, and the system components and monitoring parameters are all normal and controllable in the commissioning, such as the shaft vibration, bearing vibration, oil pressure and oil temperature, etc., which basically meet the safety requirements in design. There exists certain difference between peak speeds of bearing vibration and shaft vibration, and some bearing vibration peak speeds keep consistent with the modal frequencies of foundation roof, showing the effect of spring vibration-isolated foundation on the shaft vibration characteristics. The commissioning has laid a foundation for the safety and reliable operation of the test rig in the following researches and experiments.

Key words

nuclear power half-speed unit / shafting / spring vibration-isolated foundation / dynamic characteristics

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LI Wangfan, WANG Xiujin, SUN Qing, JIANG Jun, WEI Qi, ZHAO Feng. Design of a Combined Vibration Test Rig for Shafting and Spring Vibration-isolated Foundation of Nuclear Power Half-speed Units. Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering. 2017, 37(11): 890-894


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