Wind Turbine Aerodynamic Performance Optimization by Individual Pitch Control Based on Trailing Edge Separation Model

ZHANG Yunning, YE Zhou, LI Chun

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Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (9) : 739-745.

Wind Turbine Aerodynamic Performance Optimization by Individual Pitch Control Based on Trailing Edge Separation Model

  • ZHANG Yunning1, YE Zhou1,2, LI Chun1,2
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To simulate the unsteady aerodynamic performance of a wind turbine with NREL phase VI test blade, a three-dimensional trailing edge separation prediction model was established by coupling the Kirchhoff-Helmholz trailing edge separation prediction model with 3D Du-Selig stall delay model, in consideration of the three-dimensional rotational effect and trailing edge separation phenomenon, while the influence of vortex lattice number on the calculation accuracy was analyzed using lifting surface free vortex wake method. Based on the tangential distribution of separation factor, the wind turbine aerodynamic performance was then optimized by introducing a sin wave pitch increment in half period of rotation through individual pitch control to offset the increase of attack angle resulted by the change of relative inflow velocity. Results show that when the three-dimensional trailing edge separation prediction model with two vortex lattices on the lifting surface is adopted, optimum simulation results of normal and tangential force coefficient would be obtained. In each period of rotation, the trailing edge separation factor is relatively higher between 180° and 360°, which reaches the maximum at 270°. The trailing edge separation factor is reduced by individual pitch control, and the reducing magnitude increases with the rise of pitch angle; both the shaft and flap wise torque would achieve the optimum optimization effect when the pitch angle is set at 5°.

Key words

horizontal axis wind turbine / free vortex wake method / trailing edge separation / stall delay / individual pitch control

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ZHANG Yunning, YE Zhou, LI Chun. Wind Turbine Aerodynamic Performance Optimization by Individual Pitch Control Based on Trailing Edge Separation Model. Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering. 2016, 36(9): 739-745


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