Analysis on Energy-saving Effect of a Raw Coal Pre-drying System Using Boiler Flue Gas

DONG Wei, XU Gang, XU Cheng, BAI Pu, YANG Yongping, HE Xianghui

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Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (8) : 651-657.

Analysis on Energy-saving Effect of a Raw Coal Pre-drying System Using Boiler Flue Gas

  • DONG Wei1, XU Gang1, XU Cheng1, BAI Pu1, YANG Yongping1, HE Xianghui2
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To solve the low efficiency problem existing in power plants burning medium- and high-moisture sub-bituminous coal, a raw coal pre-drying system was proposed by using boiler flue gas. Taking a typical 600 MW sub-critical air-cooling unit as an example, the thermodynamic performance was comparitively analyzed before and after coal pre-drying under design conditions, on which basis, the influence of coal pre-drying degree on the energy-saving effect of unit was studied, while the economic benefit through coal-predrying was further explored. Results show that when the dehydration rate is 0.08 kg, i.e. the moisture content is dried from 22.6% to 15.9%, the unit coal consumption rate can be reduced by 4.0 g/(kW·h), indicating an increase of annual net income by 10 million CNY, proving remarkable economic benefit of the coal pre-drying system.

Key words

raw coal pre-drying / sub-bituminous coal / direct coal drying with boiler flue gas / energy-saving effect / economic benefit

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DONG Wei, XU Gang, XU Cheng, BAI Pu, YANG Yongping, HE Xianghui. Analysis on Energy-saving Effect of a Raw Coal Pre-drying System Using Boiler Flue Gas. Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering. 2016, 36(8): 651-657


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