Formation Mechanism of Creepweak Zones During Creep Process of P91 Weld Metal
ZHANG Yan1,WANG Yanfeng2
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Microstructure, hardness and chemical composition of P91 steel weld metal were studied in aswelded state and after creeprupture test, while the gradient of carbon activity in white bands of fracture surface simulated using ThermoCalc software. Results show that significant depletion of alloying elements can be found at interbead boundary in aswelded state, featured by low hardness, carbide dissolution, low carbon mass fraction and recrystallization to ferrite grains, where creep cracks are easy to form. The carbon activity at interbead boundary is far above the surrounding matrix, and with the depletion of alloying elements up to the measured level, the carbon element in white bands will deplete to the mass fraction less than 0.01 %, when the carbides dissolve completely. The recrystallization of martensite to low hardness ferrite at interbead boundary during creep process will make its creep property greatly reduced.
ZHANG Yan,WANG Yanfeng.
Formation Mechanism of Creepweak Zones During Creep Process of P91 Weld Metal. Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering. 2014, 34(3): 241