Influence of OFA Nozzle Position on NOx Emission

WANG Ding-hui, WANG Xiao-tian, GUO Yong-hong, SUN Bao-min, BAI Tao

Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering ›› 2012, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (7) : 523-527.
Boiler Technology

Influence of OFA Nozzle Position on NOx Emission

  • WANG Ding-hui, WANG Xiao-tian, GUO Yong-hong, SUN Bao-min, BAI Tao
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To reduce the NOx emission of a coal-fired boiler with swirl burners, a retrofit scheme was proposed by adopting the air-staged combustion mode, based on which a numerical simulation was carried out on the in-furnace combustion and pollutant formation respectively at 3 positions of OFA nozzle using CFD software platform at rated load, so as to determine the optimum position of OFA nozzle. Results show that the uplifting of OFA nozzle will reduce the O2 volumetric fraction in the main combustion zone and therefore reduce the highest temperature in the furnace by 23-29 K; the position of OFA nozzle plays a role in influencing the NOx reduction, outlet gas temperature and coal/coke conversion rate; with the lifting of OFA nozzle position, the NOx mass concentration reduces, the outlet gas temperture rises and the coal/coke conversion rate drops. Considering above effects comprehensively, the optimal position of OFA nozzle is finally determined as 7.7 m away from the burner of upper layer.

Key words

pulverized coal-fired boiler / OFA / nozzle position / NOx emission / numerical simulation

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WANG Ding-hui, WANG Xiao-tian, GUO Yong-hong, SUN Bao-min, BAI Tao. Influence of OFA Nozzle Position on NOx Emission. Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering. 2012, 32(7): 523-527


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