Heat Transfer Characteristics in a Pressurized Oxy-fuel Fluidized Bed Boiler

WANG Chun-bo, HUO Zhi-hong, XING Xiao-na

Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering ›› 2012, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3) : 182-186.
Boiler Technology

Heat Transfer Characteristics in a Pressurized Oxy-fuel Fluidized Bed Boiler

  • WANG Chun-bo1, HUO Zhi-hong2, XING Xiao-na1
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A model of pressurized oxy-fuel fluidized bed boiler was established, with which the in-furnace heat-transfer characteristics were studied by analyzing relevant influencing factors such as the particle size, the porosity, the bed temperature and the pressure, etc. Results show that the heat-transfer coefficient increases with reducing particle size, decreasing porosity, rising temperature and elevating pressure. However, when the pressure gets up to a certain value, the heat-transfer coefficient will tend to remain stable even if the pressure continues to be elevated.

Key words

pressurized oxy-fuel combustion / fluidized bed boiler / heat-transfer coefficient / model

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WANG Chun-bo, HUO Zhi-hong, XING Xiao-na. Heat Transfer Characteristics in a Pressurized Oxy-fuel Fluidized Bed Boiler. Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering. 2012, 32(3): 182-186


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