A multi-objective analysis and optimization model was established for the plate-fin heat exchanger in a micro gas turbine, based on the coupling relationship between the structural parameters of the heat exchanger and the performance of the gas turbine. On that basis, the effects of key exchanger parameters on the performance of both the heat exchanger itself and the gas turbine were analyzed under two operating conditions (constant heat absorption in the combustion chamber and constant power output of the gas turbine). Results show that the main factor influencing the power output and heat absorption is the pressure loss but not the effectiveness of the heat exchanger. The variation trend of all parameters in above two operating modes keeps consistent (except for the heat absorption and power output). After optimization of the fin structure, the turbine power output is increased by 6.8%, and the heat absorption of combustion chamber is decreased by 5.1%. Compared with the original parameters, the optimized fin thickness, fin spacing and corrugation angle decrease, while the fin height increases, thus ensuring a small pressure loss of the heat exchanger. At the same time, it is found that there is no significant difference in the results when minimum entransy dissipation and minimum entropy production are taken as the optimization objectives.
微型燃气轮机 /
板翅式换热器 /
结构优化 /
熵产 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
micro gas turbine /
plate-fin heat exchanger /
structure optimization /
entropy generation /
entransy dissipation
{{custom_keyword}} /
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