
王莉莉, 陈国彬, 李一龙, 刘超, 牛培峰

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动力工程学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (9) : 706-712.


  • 王莉莉1, 陈国彬1, 李一龙2, 刘超3, 牛培峰3
作者信息 +

Soft Sensor Modelling of Steam Turbine Heat Rate Based on CPSO-LSSVM

  • WANG Lili1, CHEN Guobin1, LI Yilong2, LIU Chao3, NIU Peifeng3
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History +


为了准确建立汽轮机热耗率预测模型,提出了一种基于变空间Logistic混沌粒子群算法(CPSO)优化最小二乘支持向量机(LSSVM)的汽轮机热耗率软测量模型。采用变空间Logistic混沌搜索策略和粒子镜像越界处理策略来改善粒子群算法(PSO)的全局优化性能,提出了CPSO优化最小二乘支持向量机的超参数以改善模型预测精度,并以某600 MW汽轮机组为研究对象,利用该机组的运行数据建立CPSO-LSSVM的热耗率预测模型。结果表明:CPSO-LSSVM模型具有更高的预测精度和更强的泛化能力,能够准确有效地预测热电厂的汽轮机热耗率。


To accurately predict the heat rate of steam turbines, a soft-sensing model was proposed based on least square support vector machine (LSSVM) modified by chaos particle swarm optimization (CPSO). The specific way is to use the variable space chaos searching strategy and the particle cross mirror image processing strategy to improve the global search ability of particle swarm optimization (PSO). Then a CPSO algorithm was developed to find the optimal parameters of LSSVM to improve the regression accuracy and generalization ability of the model. Finally, a CPSO-LSSVM model of heat rate was established for a 600 MW steam turbine based on its operation data. Simulation results show that the CPSO-LSSVM model has a higher accuracy in prediction and stronger capability in parameter optimization and generation, which may help to accurately and effectively predict the heat rate of steam turbines.


热耗率 / 粒子群算法 / 最小二乘支持向量机 / 混沌搜索 / 软测量模型

Key words

heat rate / particle swarm optimization / least square support vector machine / chaos searching / soft sensor modelling


王莉莉, 陈国彬, 李一龙, 刘超, 牛培峰. 基于CPSO-LSSVM的汽轮机热耗率软测量模型. 动力工程学报. 2018, 38(9): 706-712
WANG Lili, CHEN Guobin, LI Yilong, LIU Chao, NIU Peifeng. Soft Sensor Modelling of Steam Turbine Heat Rate Based on CPSO-LSSVM. Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering. 2018, 38(9): 706-712


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