
吴正人, 路婷婷, 王松岭, 靳超然

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动力工程学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1) : 62-68.


  • 吴正人, 路婷婷, 王松岭, 靳超然
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Effects of Air Cooling Island on the Characteristics of Bottom Boundary Layer

  • WU Zhengren, LU Tingting, WANG Songling, JIN Chaoran
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History +




A model of air cooling island was established with Gambit software by numerical method, with which, the effects of air cooling island on the local environment were analyzed using Fluent software by loading atmospheric boundary layer function through UDF and setting temperature distribution function for different temperature stratifications, so as to obtain the wind velocity and temperature at different heights in the area around the air cooling island, and to study the change trend of momentum flux and heat flux based on wind shear theory and Monin-Obukhov similarity theory. Results show that with the rise of wind velocity, the wind shear increases slightly, which reduces gradually along the flow direction. The influence of air cooling island on the momentum flux and heat flux reduces along the flow direction, while the influence on stable stratification is less than that on unstable stratification, and the influence degree on stable stratification is higher than on any other places except for the unstable stratification.


空冷岛 / 大气边界层 / 风切变 / 湍流通量

Key words

air cooling island / atmospheric boundary layer / wind shear / turbulent flux


吴正人, 路婷婷, 王松岭, 靳超然. 空冷岛对底层大气边界层特性的影响. 动力工程学报. 2018, 38(1): 62-68
WU Zhengren, LU Tingting, WANG Songling, JIN Chaoran. Effects of Air Cooling Island on the Characteristics of Bottom Boundary Layer. Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering. 2018, 38(1): 62-68


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