为减小风力机尾迹的影响,以实现风场总功率最大化及风力机组气动性能全局协调控制的目标,采用大涡模拟(Large Eddy Simulation, LES)方法,基于致动线模型,利用开源CFD软件OpenFOAM对9种风力机组偏航控制及9种风场错列布置进行数值模拟,比较这18种方案的风场总功率,并结合流场参数分析不同尾迹控制策略影响风场下游风力机的流动机理.结果表明:尾迹对下游风力机气动性能影响严重;2种尾迹控制方法均可实现全风场优化,其中各偏航控制下,风场总功率最大可提高35.3%,风场错列布置时最大可提高68.5%.
To reduce the adverse effects of wind turbine wakes, and to effectively maximize the total power output and coordinately control the aerodynamic performance of wind turbines, numerical simulations were conducted on the control strategies by 9 yaw and 9 staggered arrangements of wind turbines using OpenFOAM based on ALM and LES, so as to compare the total power output of the wind farm among above 18 wake control strageties, while the influencing mechanism of different wake control strategies on the downstream wind turbine flow was analyzed with the help of fluid field parameters. Results show that the wake severely affects the aerodynamic performance of the downstream wind turbine; both the wake control modes could optimize the global wind farm, and among all the yaw arrangements, the total power output could be impoved by a maximum of 35.3%, and among all the staggered arrangements, it could be improved by a maximum of 68.5%.
风力机组 /
尾迹 /
偏航 /
错列 /
OpenFOAM /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
wind turbine /
wake /
yaw arrangement /
staggered arrangement /
OpenFOAM /
{{custom_keyword}} /
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