
檀经考, 李娜, 陈乐航, 周屈兰

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动力工程学报 ›› 2025, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (1) : 28-36. DOI: 10.19805/j.cnki.jcspe.2025.230643


  • 檀经考, 李娜, 陈乐航, 周屈兰
作者信息 +

Experimental Research on Furnace Temperature Measurement by Radial Basis Function Based on Acoustic Pyrometry

  • TAN Jingkao, LI Na, CHEN Lehang, ZHOU Qulan
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History +




Temperature measurement is essential for ensuring the safe and stable operation of power plant boilers and other large-scale industrial equipment. Traditional temperature measurement techniques are limited to acquiring point-specific parameters instead of continuous parameter fields. Acoustic tomography not only effectively captures the relative magnitude of temperature but also notably decreases cost and complexity, making it suitable for furnace temperature measurement. A straightforward two-dimensional bench-scale acoustic temperature measurement platform was constructed in the laboratory to validate temperature field reconstruction algorithms using acoustic methods. According to the relationship between sound velocity and gas medium temperature, the least square QR decomposition (LSQR) algorithm was capable of accurately representing the temperature distribution within the region of interest (ROI) when the temperature field reconstruction was performed. The incorporation of radial basis functions significantly enhanced the reconstruction accuracy of the LSQR algorithm. Results show that employing acoustic pyrometry for reconstructing a two-dimensional temperature field is viable in practical measurements.


声层析成像 / 声速法 / 重建算法 / 温度场重建 / 径向基函数

Key words

acoustic tomography / acoustic pyrometry / reconstruction algorithm / temperature field reconstruction / radial basis function


檀经考, 李娜, 陈乐航, 周屈兰. 基于径向基函数的声速法炉内测温实验研究. 动力工程学报. 2025, 45(1): 28-36 https://doi.org/10.19805/j.cnki.jcspe.2025.230643
TAN Jingkao, LI Na, CHEN Lehang, ZHOU Qulan. Experimental Research on Furnace Temperature Measurement by Radial Basis Function Based on Acoustic Pyrometry. Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering. 2025, 45(1): 28-36 https://doi.org/10.19805/j.cnki.jcspe.2025.230643


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